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Beyond the mooniverse

A liberating perspective on the deceptively idealized Unification Movement and its idolatry of the Moon family. May these insights help misled generous souls to break free from the Unificationist treacherous manipulation and subtly induced spiritual enslavement, with love and forgiveness...




Our polarized and confused world is presently overflowing with fake news and nonsensical perspectives.  These numerous simplistic and unprovable theories are not only unscientific but easily lead to modern day obscurantism. The most surprising of all is that bright intelligent brains are being mobilized to keep defending and promoting such weird ideas through an impressive denial of reality. 

The UM ideology has been the perfect model of such a misleading vision with its inherent annoying prozelitism.

Like other absolute ideologies, Unificationism solely makes sense when seen from its delusional messianic perspective. One has to previously be indoctrinated to enter this hermetic UM ivory tower and support its peculiar fantasies.

Once within the UM tunnel vision, things actually appear wholly different and one can't anymore consider things from any other angle. Unificationists have alas deceptively been equipped with distorting DP lenses, supposedly for their own good and to improve their perception...  

Furthermore, in spite of its original claims, the "Unification Movement" is not aiming at all at any harmonized unity but is solely searching for standardized uniformity. There is definitely no room for individual freedom, critical thinking or real democracy within Unificationism. Under friendly disguise the UM is an actual enemy of democracy...

The sole objective of the Mooniverse is to advocate and justify the Moon family's authoritarian nepotism . The Moons should ultimately rule not only over humankind, but over the whole cosmos, including non-Korean speaking Martians, forever.

Unificationists will definitely need to clarify their ambiguous and misleading theories to possibly hope to be understood by those who remain legitimate sceptical observers ...

What then should be the prime focus of such an introspection? What is the most unsubstantiated concept within Unificationism?

Is it its messianic concept? The Ideal True family? Cheong Il Guk? Divine Principle? Unification Thought, or Head Wing?

If faith can indeed move mountains, it should not just provide believers with rocks to unlimitedly build castles in the air.

Unificationists believe DP is the ultimate absolute ideology which would not only accurately explain human history, but would have, without our knowing, been shaping it since the beginning of Times .

Rev Moon claimed he couldn't be the “revelator” of DP without being totally in tune with God’s ways. He therefore pretended to perfectly know God’s timetable.

Rev Moon has then claimed to be the infallible messiah whose words and directives had to be followed with absolute strict accuracy for God’s ideal to speedily unfold on earth. Strangely enough, after 70 years of incredible amounts of sacrifices and total obedient surrender to the “direct Voice of God” by thousands of wholly dedicated disciples, one can’t objectively notice outstanding substantial Heavenly changes in this world.

On the contrary it clearly appears that Rev Moon’s family didn’t do better - but rather worse- than other families. It even sadly ended up publicly exposing its long hidden corruption, its dissimulated mutual rancors and unforgiveness, its fierce infighting for power and its blatant lack of financial transparency. Besides, the Moon family has been living lavishly from armament businesses and lucrative casinos which obviously contribute more to perpetuate wars and feed unquenchable greed than setting up convincing models for Peace, reconciliation and genuine selfless way of life.

It therefore appears that if Unificationism doesn’t detain the monopoly of empty slogans and wishful thinking, it obviously ranks among those who have been using them the most.

The unfinished harmonious Unification task is huge and we'll need help from above to find a crystal clear spiritual perspective whose feasibility is manifest through substantial desirable fruits.

It can't appear wherever hubris and manipulative lies abund.

Where shall we then hear people “speaking plainly about our Father’s ways”- as centuries ago it has been prophesied in the Bible? Where shall we find a realistic and efficient proposal toward healing our world?

Definitely not in the Moon family nor in the monolithic Unification Movement, as it will be explained all along this “Beyond the Mooniverse” blog.

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